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In B2B, many people is talk about content creation, actually content promotion is very important in B2B world. let's say you want to promote your latest product such as clothes, shoeses and etc. there are two things to consider: where do you want to promote your offer and what message do you want to communicate?
These are 7 step framework questions, you can focus your thoughts and streamline your efforts.
What is your objective?
Be specific about the goal or purpose of your offer. For instance, do you want to generate leads, build a list, create buzz or establish yourself as thought leader?Your decision in this area is one of the determining factors to decide if yregistration for your white paper or eBook.ou should require.
What is your target audience?
if want to success, you need to understand what makes consumer sometime tick , where consumer look for the information and who influences their decisions. Understanding your audience will help you to do your promotion plan.
Where do your prospects search for information?
There so many places and ways where prospects llok for information such as, search engines, facebook, Twitter, newslatters and etc, but if you don't know exactly who you are trying to reach and what the audience online habit are, you will hard to reach them. You have decrease the time and budge to promote your offer, the places you want to do promation need to make sure audience and readers are looking.
What is you budget?
You need to consider your budget. your budget is depending on your objective and the places where your prospects search for information, there are different promootional tactics you may to consider.
What pains are they experiencing?
After determine where you want to promote your offer,you need to consider the content of your promotion. Identify the prospect's pain point by uncovering what questions your readers have or what information are they searching for. If they aren't experiencing an issue, your message will probably not resonate with them.
What benefit does your offer provide?
For some reason , sometimes can make benefit can have a little bit tricky.There is an inclination to tout the benefit of your product and solution, but your promotions need to explain what someone will achieve by viewing your offer. Identify the two or three succinct benefits the reader will receive from your offer, and make sure you highlight these points in your promotions.
What keywords do your prospects use?
Conidering the way that people search for information, so the keywords are very important during the promotions. The keyworkds must let people be able to search it in very situation.
reference: Savvy B2B Marketing(Cited 4arch 2011) from: